Looking for Sophie Cornell

Updated 2015-01-06: She found me! Sophie Cornell sent an email granting permission to use this photo, and she included three additional photos of small stones. Thank you, lovely lady!

One of my blogging inspirations is a program of mindfulness prompts called Small Stones that was offered in January for the last few years. It doesn’t seem to be happening this year, at least not formally, but I intend to continue writing my own small stones at least once a week.

I like to list my inspirations in the sidebar of this blog, but a column of plain text links is boring. This year, I found the perfect photo to illustrate my series of Small Stones, and attempted to contact the photographer to obtain permission to use it.

Unfortunately, the contact form on her site returns an error message.

If anyone knows how I can contact Sophie Cornell, please let me know.

About Kat

Cat lover, singer, early music addict, reads a lot. Former R&D chemist with an obsessive need for variety. Now active as a freelance technical writer and editor, web designer, photographer, computer coach, and trainer. Owner, MasterWork Consulting (http://www.masterworkconsulting.com/).
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